Facebook @ New Zealand Salvia Divinorum NorthlandSalvia
**Increase in N.Z Post Delivery Rates** July 2023
Due to inflationary pressures, new Rates are as follows:
Economy Rate, tracked @ $8. *Economy Delivery Suspended @ this time.
**Due to some unacceptable increases in target delivey time frames, arising from increased Christmas mail volumes @ N.Z Post, we are using N.Z Courier Delivery only, until further notice.**
Courier Rate, tracked @ $10. (*Fastest Delivery)
Rural Delivery Rate @ plus+ $5.50
Due to N.Z Post price increases, you might like to consider *Parcel Collect to avoid the extra Rural Delivery Costs for some Customers.
Due to ongoing cost increases, ALL Salvia Specials, *Excluding our 5x Extract Deals, & 5x Combo Special Deals, are Suspended until further Notice.
*You will find our most up to date, current pricing: HERE
*R.18 N.Z Customers Only. Proof of Age Required.
If you do not Verify Age, we will not process your Order.
@LINK Salvia divinorum – Low Sensitivity Dosers.
Payment via Online Banking. N.Z Post track & trace.
Target delivery 3 Working days. **NO PICKUPS**
*Price List & Specials - HERE
*NorthlandSalvia Lite: view Previews of all our Primary content: HERE
Salvia divinorum dried herbal extract, Liquid Extract & Natural Salvia Leaves: LINK@ HERE
Ordering Process - Summary of HERE
F.A.Q - Re prices/products/purchase HERE
Terms & Full Product Range - HERE
Contact: northlandsalvia@gmail.com
We DO NOT sell live Salvia plants, seed or cuttings.
We DO NOT wholesale our herbs. *Retail Sales Only.
Wholesale, Trade quantity, Bulk purchase, NOT supplied.
We are advocates of the medicinal benefits of Salvia divinorum herb
and its use in herbal remedies.
We believe the treatment of illness has been influenced by the pharmaceutical companies, on the basis of how much money they can generate from their 'industry' packaged products.
Many of these 'synthesized end products' may have consequential side effects which often far outweigh their purported benefits.
Much of the Pharmaceutical Companies' focus is on maintenance drugs that mask the symptoms of illness, rather than treating the source of the problem.
The selective synthesis of herbs on the basis of economy, profit margins and patent protections, means that many of the other beneficial, active constituents, naturally contained in the Whole Plant, are lost in the production process.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that Salvia divinorum herb has many potential therapeutic uses. These include: an anti addiction treatment, a powerful painkiller, muscle relaxant, anti depressant, anti anxiety agent, mood stabilizer, treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Alzheimers Disease, & more!
Neuropharmacology of the Naturally Occurring κ-Opioid,Salvinorin A.
Salvia divinorum - From Party Drug to Anti-Addiction Treatment
" S. divinorum has potential for use as an anti addiction treatment ..... in the future it may be possible to add a kappa opioid-based compound to prescription pain medication to help avoid the addiction that is a side-effect of their use."
Salvia divinorum: Clinical & Research Potential (RE Depression)
"... initial results are promising, with the majority of patients reporting lasting benefits from their use of this herb. In addition to significantly reduced scores on quantitative measures of depression, some of the reported benefits of the herb include mood enhancement and increased feelings of relaxation and self-awareness."
Antinociceptive effects of Salvia divinorum and bioactive salvinorins in experimental pain model
"S. divinorum extract produced a dose-dependent antinociceptive effect at central and peripheral levels in pain models. The effect of the extract was observed due to the presence of salvinorins, mainly salvinorin A. Antinociceptive effect of S. divinorum involved both the serotonin 5-HT1A and opioids receptors as inhibitory neurotransmission depending on the type of nociception."
Buy our highest quality, organic, Salvinorin based, herbal remedies.
NorthlandSalvia: 100% Natural, 100% Homegrown in N.Z
We DO NOT use any Synthetic chemicals or any hidden additives.
We DO NOT sell live Salvia plants, seed, or cuttings.
We DO NOT Wholesale our herbs. Retail Sales only.
Wholesale, Trade quantity, Bulk purchase NOT supplied.
Terms & Conditions:
Our herbs may assist those seeking natural plant based traditional herbal remedies, with potential anti addiction, analgesic, sedative, & anti inflammatory effects et al.
We advocate responsible use of all our herbal remedies.
The statements made by Northland Salvia have not been evaluated by the New Zealand Ministry of Health. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
We are not advising or prescribing herbs, herbal extracts, or herbal remedies, for any specific medical conditions, or for any specific uses.
Consult your doctor, practitioner, and/or pharmacist for any health problems and before using any herbs, herbal extracts, or herbal remedies, or before making any changes in prescribed medications.
DO NOT drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery whilst under the influence of ANY of our herbal remedies.
Radio N.Z - mp3 Link - Salvia divinorum - From Party Drug to Anti-Addiction Treatment:
Salvia divinorum - From Party Drug to Anti-Addiction Treatment
SynthQuit Salvex - Smoker Cut:
SynthQuit herbal remedy, a Proprietary extract, can be administered via: 30x Liquid extract, herbal tincture, oil, an economical blend of herbs, or as a dried herbal extract, that may bring relief to individuals experiencing withdrawal symptoms from synthetic Cannabis/Cannabis.
Salvia divinorum may help to reduce the symptoms of withdrawal & prevent relapse. Salvinorin A, naturally contained in the Salvia divinorum herb, exerts an anti addiction & sedative effect through its activity at the Kappa Opioid Receptors.
SynthQuit Herbal Replacement:
$ per 4 gram herbal replacement, *plus p & p.
$ per 8 gram herbal replacement, *plus p & p.
$ per 12 gram herbal replacement, *plus p & p.
SynthQuit Salvex - Smoker's Cut:
10x = extracted from 10 g of dried Salvia herbs.
15x = extracted from 15 g of dried Salvia herbs.
20x = extracted from 20 g of dried Salvia herbs.
30x = extracted from 30 g of dried Salvia herbs.
$ per gram, 10x herbal smoking extract,*plus p & p.
$ per gram, 15x herbal smoking extract, *plus p & p.
$ per gram, 20x herbal smoking extract,*plus p & p.
$ per gram, 30x herbal smoking extract,*plus p & p.
Synthquit Salvex - 30x, 5 ml, 20 ml, 100 ml, Liquid extract, herbal tinctures, Oil.
30x 20 ml @ $119. *plus p & p.
Synthquit Salvex - Olive Oil OR VG Vegetable Glycerine, Oil - VG-Juice:
20 ml, 30x @ $119 *plus p & p. *Special Free Upgrade to 25 ml. Save $30. 25 ml (Special) = *Sold Out*
Marali herbal remedy may provide relief for Insomnia & Anxiety, promote Emotional Balance, & provide analgesic, sedative & anti inflammatory effects.
Emotional Balance, is One's ability, in the face of change & challenge, to mentally & physically maintain
equilibrium and flexibility.
In liquid extract form, Marali herbal remedy may have the efficacy of some of the anti anxiety products available, but without any of the associated dependency issues.
In liquid extract form, Marali herbal remedy may have the efficacy of some of the nicotine, tobacco, smoking cessation products available.
Marali is 100% Natural, Legal, NOT Restricted or Prohibited, & DOES NOT cause drowsiness.100% Natural. 100% Homegrown in New Zealand.
You will NOT fail a Workplace Drug test by using ANY of our herbal remedies!
*CANNA+ may assist those attempting to wean off Cannabis & Synthetics.
CANNA+ combines all the potential health benefits of the Phyto Cannabinoid beta Caryophyllene, a legal, non psychoactive Cannabinoid & CB2 Receptor Agonist, found in Cannabis & some Non Cannabis Plants. plus an extensive spectrum of Terpenes, & our own proprietary blend of potent herbal extracts. The combined result is a synergistic entourage effect with potential analgesic, sedative & anti inflammatory effects.
CANNA+ dried herbal extract & Liquid extract, exhibits a very similar Terpene Profile to the Cannabis Plant, with its much touted health benefits, BUT, without the problematic legal implications that accompany the possession & unprescribed use of Cannabis & Cannabis based products, containing T.H.C & C.B.D.
New Zealand has a massive underground meth problem that has gained a nefarious foothold at all levels of society. It is indiscriminate of Class, Income, Ethnicity, & is regarded as the most addictive, destructive drug known to mankind.
Meth Users are the 'Dreamboat Consumer' offering a target rich, captive market to Drug Dealers, with fantastic profit margins & exponential demand. Meth, or 'P' is the drug makers road to riches, leaving a trail of destruction in its path.
In response, NorthlandSalvia has formulated a 10x/20x/30x, Salvia extract herbal remedy, that may assist meth Users through the difficult process of methamphetamine withdrawal.
MethQuit Salvex, dried herbal extract is a 10x/20x/30x, Salvia extract, & a 30x Liquid extract, that exerts an anti addiction & sedative effect, through its activity at the Kappa Opioid Receptors of the brain.
MethQuit is available as a 30x Liquid extract, tincture, Olive Oil, OR V.G. Ideal for micro dosing on an as needed basis.
Methquit 20 ml 30x liquid extract @ $119. *plus p & p.
You can dose all our 30x Vegetable Glycerine (VG) Oils too.
We DO NOT use any Synthetic chemicals or any hidden addities.
100% Natural. 100% Homegrown in New Zealand.
Buy now! Payment via Online Banking.
MethQuit Salvex - 10x Salvia Extract:
1.0 gram @ $ per g, *plus p & p.
*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g FREE!
MethQuit Salvex - 20x Salvia Extract:
1.0 gram @ $ per g, *plus p & p.
*Buy 2 g, get 1 g Leaves FREE!
*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g Extract FREE!
MethQuit Salvex - 30x Salvia Extract:
1.0 gram @ $ per g, *plus p & p.
*Buy 2 g, get 1 g Leaves FREE!
*Buy 5 g, get 0.5 g Extract FREE!